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ComXchange Software Assurance: Full Service Support

ComXchange Software Assurance: Full Service Support

Nate Novak

Investing in yearly Software Assurance for your ComXchange systems is a strategic move that ensures you continuously receive the latest software updates and access to a dedicated technical support team. This comprehensive support covers all your systems on a per-system basis, ensuring maximum efficiency and security.

The Importance of Software Assurance

Regular Updates

New Features: Each update introduces new functionalities that improve usability and keep your systems at the cutting edge. Improved Usability: Updates streamline user experience, making operations smoother and more intuitive. Latest Enhancements: Even if you don’t use every new feature, updates often include vital security and stability improvements.

Security and Stability

Protection from Exploits: Staying updated protects your systems from potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious entities. Uniform Feature Sets: Ensuring all systems are updated means uniformity in functionality and ease of use. Up-to-Date Call Accounting Rate Tables: Regular updates to call accounting rate tables ensure accurate billing and record-keeping.

Comprehensive Technical Support

Accessible Support: Standard support is available Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Emergency Support: 24/7/365 availability for urgent issues ensures you’re never without help when it’s needed most. Technical Assistance: From deployment to troubleshooting, our team is ready to assist with all your queries.

Cost-Effective Multi-Year Options

Discount Incentives: Opting for 2, 3, 4, or 5-year plans provides significant cost savings compared to annual renewals. Speak with your sales representative to explore the best multi-year options for your needs.

Key Benefits of Software Assurance

Software Upgrades, Updates & Patches
  • Regular Enhancements: Ensure your system is always equipped with the latest features and improvements.
  • Critical Patches: Address vulnerabilities and bugs swiftly with regular patches.
Call Accounting Rate Table Updates
  • Accurate Billing: Keep your billing systems accurate and up-to-date with annual updates to call accounting rate tables.
Access to Technical Support
  • Expert Assistance: Get direct access to knowledgeable support staff for any technical issues or questions.

The Risks of Neglecting Updates

Security Vulnerabilities
  • Unpatched Exploits: Failing to update your software can leave it open to security breaches, potentially causing significant financial and reputational damage.
  • Global Impact: Each year, unpatched software vulnerabilities result in billions of dollars in damages worldwide.
Performance and Stability
  • Bug Fixes: Regular updates fix non-critical bugs that, while not security-related, can affect system performance and stability.
  • Optimal Functioning: Keeping your software updated ensures your system runs smoothly and efficiently.

Peace of Mind with Continuous Support

Continuous support provides peace of mind with dedicated help for various needs. This includes assistance with deploying new systems or migrating existing ones, expert troubleshooting to diagnose and resolve issues quickly, and ensuring your team can rely on ComXchange for everyday tasks without interruption.

Future-Proof Your Investment

Access to the latest features and upgrades ensures your investment stays relevant as the hospitality and communication industries evolve. Continuous improvements and new features enhance the value of your systems over time, providing long-term value and keeping your technology up-to-date with industry advancements.

Yearly Software Assurance for your ComXchange systems is not just a support plan; it’s an essential investment in the reliability, security, and future-proofing of your technology. Stay updated, stay secure, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a dedicated team ready to support you whenever needed. Contact your sales representative today to learn more about the benefits and cost-saving options of multi-year Software Assurance plans.


Software Assurance