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CDM -Leaps and Bounds

Leaps and Bounds for CDM

Breanna Fernie

Announcing a 200 Device Milestone!

It all started a few years ago…when ClearlyIP was founded, one of the first goals set was being able to manage multiple phone devices and endpoints with a single program that was PBX agnostic. After all, there are SO many different manufacturers, and SO many devices, that mastering all of them is nearly impossible. And so CDM (Cloud Device Manager) was created.

For those not familiar with CDM, it allows Telecom Administrators to automate, control, and secure administrative policies on devices such as desk phones, ATAs, and many other devices connected to an organization’s network- all over the world, and all from a single GUI interface.

ClearlyIP’s CDM is platform agnostic. Meaning it works with IP-based systems, open-source platforms like FreePBX®, and tight integration into the ClearlyIP Business Connect and Clearly Cloud platforms. And with the number of devices we’re compatible with, now over 200, you have a wide range of options.

In our previous blog, we compared CDM to a wizard, but magic is fantasy, and CDM is real. So it’s more like a 3rd, 4th and 5th hand, letting you work more efficiently. It is secure, platform-agnostic, fast, and customizable. All that and the ability to handle multi-tenant deployments make it a clear choice for any reseller managing multiple systems with different devices.

Speaking of devices, when it was first released, it worked with over 100 devices, including the Sangoma® A-Series phones. And now, it works with over 200 devices! Added devices include the Sangoma S-Series phones and SNOM phones, two popular brands in the market for FreePBX® based phone systems.

CDM is not meant to save you time provisioning one or two phones. But if you have 10, 20, 100, or more phones to provision, well, then this just became your best friend. With the ability to handle multi-tenant deployments, it can reduce headaches too!

We have an upcoming Webinar Event showcasing Cloud Device Manager on March 31st. Join our team of experts in a live demonstration on how intuitive and efficient CDM is for your device provisioning. We strive to make your device provisioning experience a dream come true! Come see for yourself!