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Hosted VoIP or Non-Hosted VOIP, which solution is best for your business?

Hosted VoIP or Non-Hosted VoIP, Which Solution is Best for Your Business?

Bob Webb
Each path presents unique advantages, from cost savings and ease of use to flexibility and control. Understanding these differences is key to unlocking the full potential of your business communications, making an informed decision that aligns with your company’s size, needs, and future growth trajectory.

Hosted VoIP is managed off-site by a specialized provider, this model operates similarly to a service lease, allowing businesses to utilize advanced telephony features without owning or maintaining complex infrastructure. The appeal of hosted VoIP lies in its cost-efficiency and simplicity. Starting up requires minimal initial investment, bypassing the need for intricate technical oversight. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for dynamic businesses, providing the ability to scale services in tandem with organizational growth or contraction, all while ensuring accessibility from any location with internet connectivity.
Hosted VoIP is ideally suited for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially those with dispersed teams or limited resources to allocate towards upfront costs and ongoing IT support. Its versatility and cost-saving potential make it a smart choice for businesses seeking to streamline communications and foster connectivity in an increasingly digital world.

Non-hosted VoIP, places the entirety of the VoIP infrastructure—both hardware and software—directly on-premises at a company’s location. This arrangement goves full ownership and, consequently, greater control over the telecommunications system, albeit with an increased level of responsibility for its maintenance and management.

The primary advantage of owning a non-hosted VoIP system is the unparalleled ability to tailor and integrate the setup with existing business tools (especially if also on premises), offering a degree of customization and flexibility that rented services might not provide. For larger enterprises, the long-term financial outlook could be more favorable compared to ongoing costs associated with hosted VoIP services, thanks to the elimination of monthly service fees after the initial setup.

However, the upfront investment for non-hosted VoIP can be significant, covering not only the purchase of equipment but also the installation and configuration of the system. Additionally, the operational complexity necessitates having knowledgeable IT personnel on hand or even hiring specialists to ensure smooth, uninterrupted service.

Non-hosted VoIP is particularly appealing to businesses with highly specific communication needs, desiring absolute control over their telecommunications infrastructure, including security, compliance, and integration aspects, making it an ideal solution for companies willing to invest in a bespoke communication system tailored to their precise requirements.

If you are still hesitating about which service is best for your business, our team here at Clearly IP is ready to help guide you and find the right solution for your company’s needs.