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More Reseller Compliance Requirements

More Reseller Compliance Requirements

Bob Webb
The team at Marshlian and Donohue, PLLC, has done it again. They have posted another great article detailing compliance requirements for VoIP resellers. You can read the article here:

Robocall Mitigation Filing Compliance
Last week, I discussed M&D’s article on Robocall Mitigation. Click the button below to read my blog.
Robocall Mitigation Database Filing Compliance
Read Blog

This week’s article from M&D underscores the significance of the FCC’s recognition of any entity “that purchases telecommunications services from another entity and then resells or offers those services to end users or other resellers” as a telecommunications reseller. This means that VoIP resellers are subject to a multitude of regulations, including:

  • USAC registration requirements.
  • FCC federal revenue filing requirements (FCC Form 499-As) regarding TRS Fund, NANPA, LNP administration, and other FCC regulatory fees.
  • Departments of revenue, 911 fund administrators, and public utility commissions mandate state and local filing requirements.


The article lists additional compliance requirements as well:

  • CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act)
  • CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information)
  • CVAA (Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act)
  • Mandatory 911 service provisions
  • Outage reporting
  • Form 477 reporting (Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting)

As always, ClearlyIP is here to help. Reach out to your account manager for assistance. Also, suppose you decide that the reseller responsibilities no longer make sense for your business. In that case, we can help you transition to an agent model whereby ClearlyIP bills the customer directly and assumes these compliance responsibilities.

Thank you for your continued partnership and trust in ClearlyIP.

Best regards,

Bob Webb
Chief Business Development Officer