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Clearly Cloud: September Updates

Corey McFadden

Clearly Cloud: September Updates

We are glad to announce the rollout of our newest mid-September update for Clearly Cloud. Here’s a breakdown of the latest improvements. Please stay tuned for even more exciting updates as we’re getting ready for another big update in the near future!

New Additions

Call Panel CDR Export

Users now have the ability to export and download their call detail records (CDRs) directly from Call Panel.

Ring Group Support for External Numbers

Customers with multiple sites on Clearly Cloud now have the ability to add an extension from one location to a ring group at another location using the system’s External Numbers feature. Just preconfigure the system’s External Extensions section, then enter the extension number you wish to use in the “External Numbers” area of the ring group.



Clearly Cloud September Updates - Bug Fixes

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Call Panel – Improved user status tooltip.
  • Call Panel – Chat presence now loads considerably quicker.
  • Corrected a scenario where inviting users to a conference room was requiring a PIN where it should not have been.
  • Searching for users was sometimes inconsistent, this has been corrected
  • Solved issue when editing/removing options in the Digital Receptionist menu
  • Fixed issue where linked inter-client blind transfers were not working properly
  • Resolved issue with direct parking for multiple lots
  • Fixed an issue when saving an announcement and another one already existed
  • Addressed a problem with pagination in user profiles when dealing with routes
  • Solved issue where pre-announcements would not capture all digits if interrupted by DTMF
  • Corrected *86 so it now plays the default music on hold